Embedding Video

"How would I embed a video on my mobile site?"

  • Upload the video to a free third-party video hosting service like YouTube or Vimeo, or to an OVP like Wistia.
  • Regardless of which video hosting service you use, each will have a means of providing you with embed code for your video. You will want to find and copy this code to your clipboard.
  • Within the MoFuse platform, click on the 'Add Elements' icon to navigate to the 'Add Elements' page.
  • Select either a 'Content Page' or 'Content Block' element.
  • Click on the 'Source' button in the toolbar that appears above the element's content field.
  • Paste the embed code within the input field, then click 'Update' to save your changes.
  • Finally, click on the 'Site Layout' icon to navigate to the 'Site Layout' page and add the video to your mobile site's Active Site Layout.
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