Store Locator FAQ

What Is the Store Locator?

The Store Locator is an optional module that is available within the MoFuse platform. The Store Locator allows a mobile site builder or administrator the ability to upload a formatted Excel file that contains a list of locations. The Store Locator Element is then be added to a mobile website in the 'Site Layout' page like any other Element. A visitor to the site can then use the Store Locator to find the location that is nearest to them along with related contact information.

For more information regarding the formatting of the Excel document, please see:

How Does The Store Locator Identify Which Location Is Nearest?

By default, a user is given two options: find a location by zipcode, or, use the GPS function of their mobile device to identify the location nearest to their current position. In both cases users are able to define the radius (e.g. 5 miles, 10 miles, etc) within which they want to search.

Does the Store Locator Work Internationally?

Yes! With the one caveat that outside of Canadian zipcodes, international zipcodes are NOT currently supported. In this case, a user will only be able to find a location utilizing the GPS functionality of their mobile device. In these cases, MoFuse is able to disable the zipcode option for a specific implementation of the Store Locator so only the GPS option is presented to the user. 

Hiding the zipcode input field is easy, and is done via CSS. 

  • After creating the Store Locator site element, click on the 'Edit Elements' icon.
  • Click on the new Store Locator site element to expand its parameters.
  • Into the Custom CSS field, copy/paste the following CSS, then click 'Update' to save your changes:  
.locator_form #z {display: none;}

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