I've created a mobile site and am trying to integrate it with my desktop site. I've set up my desktop site's URL in the 'Desktop Site URL' field in the Site Settings page. I've also embedded the mobile redirect code into the header of my desktop site's index.html file. However now when I'm viewing my mobile site and click on the 'Desktop' link at the bottom of the page to try and navigate to my full desktop site, I keep getting redirected back to my mobile site.
For the 'Desktop' site to work correctly when one has embedded mobile redirect code within their desktop site, we need a way to override and bypass that redirect code so that it doesn't 'trigger' and bounce the user right back to the mobile site - which is what's happening to you right now.
We override the mobile redirect code by automatically appending a specific tag to the end of the desktop site's URL. To see this in action:
- Log in to your MoFuse account, and bring up your mobile website inside of the platform.
- Click on the 'Preview' icon to preview the site.
- Scroll down and click on the 'Desktop' link.
- Keep an eye on your browser's nav bar. You should see something like: http://www.mofuse.com/?nomobiletag=1
That bit at the end? That's the override tag.
It may be that the server your desktop site is running on is stripping out that ?nomobiletag=1 tag. Some webhosts configure their servers to strip out incoming tags as a security precaution and so, in this case, we're not able to override and bypass the mobile redirect code because we're unable to get our override through!
One should contact their webhost and inquire about configuring the host server to permit the ?nomobiletag=1 tag.