Subdomains, Appended Tags and Mobile Redirect Code

In some cases, one may have a subdomain (e.g. that they want to redirect mobile users from. In some other case, one may have a website URL that has something appended to it (e.g. /default.aspx). In both cases, the following steps will need to be taken to assure that the redirect code that is automatically generated within the MoFuse platform, is taking these additional requirements into account.

  • Log into your MoFuse account, and click on the mobile website that you need the redirect code for.
  • Click on the 'Mobile Redirect' icon.
  • On the 'Mobile Redirect' page, click on the 'Show Advanced Options' link.
  • Enter in the subdomain or the appended tag ONLY.
  • Click the 'Update' button.
  • Now, click on the 'Copy to Clipboard' button to copy the javascript, and paste the redirect code into the header of the desktop site's index.html file.
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